May 6, 2008
For those of you who wonder what is or why are we using the name “Fakowee” let me explain.
It’s from an old joke that I think my friend Don Bradley told me years ago. And, yeah, its kind of lame (remember…it was Don’s joke!) but it has stuck with me and maybe there was a reason??
The joke tells the story of the “Fakowee”. A curious tribe of indigenous little people (pygmies) from the Congo basin in deepest, darkest Africa, who would journey through the dense jungle in pursuit of new territory and conquests. After days of trekking through the thick jungle’s underbrush and high grasses, they find themselves atop a huge rise. It is here, tired and exhausted, they brush aside the tall grass, raise a hand to shade the sun, and utter the words…”Where the fuck are we??”… get it… where the FAKOWEE!
Despite of, or maybe because of, the joke’s groan-producing punchline, it has been trotted out over the years by my circle of friends, often for no particular reason, yet it is always met with a laugh or two.
I think Ann and I have adopted some of this fictitious tribe’s spunk and curiosity as we embark on our own quest to discover new (to us) territory and adventures. Like the story’s tribe, we too will be brushing aside our own “tall grass’, peering out and exclaiming “where the FAKOWEE?”
So, if only for the sole purpose of organizing ourselves, we documented our journey to let family and friends know where the fakowee, as we embarked on an exciting and rewarding chapter of our lives.
Blog posts are in chronological order with the beginning of our trip starting with “Goodbye Fergus!”.